Understanding easements is an essential part of buying a home.
Remember, understanding easements is an important aspect of due diligence when purchasing a property. By familiarising yourself with any existing easements, you can ensure that you know the rights and limitations associated with the property you intend to buy.
What is an easement?
An easement is a legal right that allows someone to cross or use a portion of someone else's property for a specific purpose. It grants access or usage rights to another party while the property ownership remains with the owner.
Why would a council allow easements on someone's property?
Easements are typically allowed by councils when it serves the common good. For example, an easement may be necessary to provide neighboring properties with access to essential services like water, electricity, or sewerage.
Are there other reasons for having easements on a property?
Yes, easements can also be put in place to grant service technicians the right to operate on a property to maintain or repair services located within the easement area. This ensures proper maintenance and functionality of services.
What responsibilities come with having easements on one's property?
As a property owner with easements, it is essential to respect and not interfere with them. Any development that disrupts or obstructs an easement may be required to be removed without compensation. Therefore, it is important to be aware of and acknowledge existing easements before making any modifications or building on the land.
Where can I find information about easements on a property?
Easements are documented on the Certificate of Title for a property. This legal document contains important land information, including the location and size of the land, current ownership details, and any restrictions, including easements.
Why is it important to understand easements before committing to a property?
Understanding easements is crucial because they can affect the usage and development potential of a property. By knowing if any easements exist on the land you are considering, you can make informed decisions about its suitability for your needs and potential limitations.
Is there a resource I can refer to for further information on easements?
Yes, Coliban Water is a great resource that offers further easement information. It can provide additional insights and details specific to easements related to water services. Be sure to consult this resource and seek professional advice if you have specific concerns or questions about easements.