Victorian Land Shortage

Victorian land shortage

It’s no secret that Bendigo and Victoria in general, are running out of land for new home developments.

Bendigo’s ever-growing population has attributed to an increase in new housing estates spreading throughout Bendigo’s outer suburbs such as Huntly, Maiden Gully, and Marong, but with a price tag to match.

“Over the course of the pandemic, median lot prices in regional Victoria are up by 64.9 per cent. These are not normal increases – they are among the fastest rates of increase in the last two decades.

what is a battleaxe block

At Lansell’s, we have seen an increase in battle axe blocks with people subdividing and taking advantage of the land boom. These blocks are a perfect solution to building in sought after suburbs where land is practically non-existent.

What is a battle axe block?

Bendigo is the 4th most populated city in Victoria, and has a strong growth rate adding over 4,400 new residents in a single year. Bendigo will continue to grow as more people seek a tree change, achieving the perfect mix with the variety of the city and the serenity of the bush.

The Bendigo Advertiser reported last year that “LAND to build in Bendigo is so scarce agents say they are selling blocks a year away from receiving the title because buyers are so keen.

Lansell Homes have land for future estates that will see us through the next 5 years with land in Huntly, Maiden Gully, Golden Square, Kangaroo Flat, North Bendigo, and Marong.

You can keep up to date with our future developments here.

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